streda 14. septembra 2011

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Huxley writings point to an implicit recognition of the ability of entheogens to be used as teaching tools. The concept of the tool here refers not only physical devices to assist in the mode of material production, but after Vygotsky (1978), more broadly to the means of symbolic mediation and / or between mind and culture the world (Cole, 1996; Wertsch, 1991). Of course, obtaining the educational benefits of a tool requires more than simply hold and purchase soma drugs Costa Mesa exercise, you also have an intrinsic link between the subject qua tool, a cultural system that values ​​the tool as such and the guides or teachers who are experts in using the tool to provide useful guidance. As Larsen (1976) notes in discussing the phenomenon of aspiring shamans of western culture to experiment purchase soma drugs Costa Mesa with chemicals that change the mind: we have no symbolic vocabulary, it is a land mythological tradition to our purchase soma drugs Costa Mesa experience intelligible to us . no more shamans to help ensure that our [shamanic experience] mutilation be followed by a recovery (p. Given the recent history of these substances in modern Western culture, it is not surprising that they have been demonized (Hofmann, 1980). However, cultural practices that have traditionally been used as therapeutic agents constantly entheogens safeguardsset settingviii integrate protection, the limits specified, and respect mythocultural (Zinberg, 1984). The fear that inevitably arises in modern Western culture When addressing the topic of entheogens is derived, in my opinion, not the intrinsic properties of substances themselves, but rather a general misunderstanding of his power and ability as instruments. Like purchase soma drugs Costa Mesa a sharp knife can be used for good or bad, depending on whether you are in the hands of a skilled surgeon or purchase soma drugs Costa Mesa a reckless young entheogens can therefore be used or wrong. The use of entheogens such as ayahuasca is an example of the purchase soma drugs Costa Mesa long and continuing tradition in many cultures the use of psychoactive substances as tools to foster understanding of fundamental type (Tupper, in press). These substances can stimulate strong transcendent experience is evident in both academic literature and anecdotal reports. Complete accounting of his actions, however, requires going beyond the usual explanatory diagrams: theory, application of Gardner (1999a) Multiple Intelligences as a heuristic framework opens new avenues of understanding and entheogenic potential benefits.

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